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19 February 2014

"On Wednesdays we wear pink"


Sorry for the lack of posts recently, I've been super ill and not really had the energy to do anything! Plus this awful weather hasn't helped!

It finally stopped raining for five minutes today, which gave me a chance to take some OOTD photos. I got this amazing pink coat a couple of weeks ago, but am only just getting round to including it on my blog. I'm normally not one to go for such a bright coloured coat, but I was browsing Boohoo one evening and spotted this beauty and just HAD to have it! I love boyfriend style coats and I wear my grey Topshop one religiously, so I thought I'd have a change and step out of my comfort zone a bit and buy this one. It was originally around £40, but I used the student discount so it was a little cheaper. I was a little apprehensive of spending that as it's almost my week's wages! But it was definitely worth it; it's such good quality and is perfect for winter and spring, especially when spring is as cold as it is in England!

I styled this jacket with a black, textured (not clear in the photo haha!) jumper from Pull and Bear and this black and white checked skirt from Select. Now Select isn't usually a shop I'd go to, but I have one in my town centre, and while I was walking past one day, I saw a couple of things I liked in the window and decided to have a look. Turns out, there are some really nice things in there! I ended up buying this skirt for £12 and a kimono jacket for £18. I got my jumper in the sale and it was reduced to £10.

My shoes are my favourite Chelsea boots from H&M. I am in serious need of a new pair as I have worn these to death! And my bag is from Primark. 

See you again soon!

Lilia xox

9 February 2014


Hi lovelies!

My 17th Birthday is just under two months away, and my family are asking for a wishlist, so I thought this would be fun way to show some of the things that are on my list! (I think I must be the only almost-17-year-old who doesn't want driving lessons!)


1. Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 Instant Camera: I saw these ages ago and wanted one ever since; the small size is adorable and makes it so easy to carry around. Plus the instant pictures are just great for parties, scrapbooking and making easy memories.

2. Beacon Hills Lacrosse Hoodie: I am OBSESSED with the TV show Teen Wolf, I could go as far as to say it's my favourite show I watch! And Isaac Lahey is my favourite character, so this hoodie is perfect for me!

3. Fluffy Topshop Jumper: I'v been wanting a staple black jumper for a while now as it will go with so many items of clothing. I love the fluffy texture that's quite in at the moment, and this jumper from Topshop is just gorgeous! I've looked at some from other shops, but none of them seem quite as nice as this one. I know that jumpers aren't really a spring item, but when you live in England, they definitely are!

4. Amethyst Crystal Necklace: The beautiful necklace is from Dolly Bow Bow. I love the vintage feel and the amazing colours. This is just one of the many items on the website that I loved. If you're into quirky jewellery, you'll love this shop! 

5. Real Techniques Brushes: I am awful with brushes; I will literally get the cheapest one that will get the job done, but the downside to this, is that they're never the best quality. So I thought I'd ask for some brushes which get good reviews and give them a try.

7. Oh My Love Playsuit: I am a big fan of Oh My Love. Their clothes are beautiful and so different. I love this playsuit as I don't really own anything like it. I feel like it's great for a party or a dinner. The design is so elegant and the grey means that it can be matched with a variety of other colours.

8. Naked 3 Palette: I know, I know, I am so behind with this one! But when I first came out, it sold out everywhere and I had no money because of Christmas! But better late than never eh?

9. Eleanor & Park: I've heard great things about this book, so I'm desperate to read it!

10. Will Grayson, Will Grayson: I love both John Green and David Levithan's books, so the fact that they've teamed up is perfect. Again, I've heard such good reviews about this book!

Well there you go, some of the things that are on my birthday list! I've linked up all of the items incase you wanted to get them for yourself. 

See you soon!
Lilia xo

7 February 2014

Liebster Nomination


Today I got the most wonderful surprise; I was nominated for a Leibster Award! It makes me beyond happy that someone found my blog and liked it enough to nominate me! Now I must admit, I wasn't familiar with it before now, so if like me, you were wondering what it is, here is a little explanation:

"Liebster is a German word that means sweetest, kindest, nicest or dearest, and this award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve more recognition. The Liebster award is given by other bloggers who enjoy your blog. Once you’ve been given the award, you thank the nominating blogger on your blog and award 11 Liebster awards to your favorite blogs."  

I think this is such a great idea and brings together so many bloggers to appreciate and support each other. I was nominated by the lovely Aleksia! She, like me, is a fashion blogger and I love her creative posts and laid back style. Definitely go check her blog out!

Here are the rules:
-you must link back to the person who nominated you
-you have to answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you
-you have to make 11 questions for the persons you are nominating (let bloggers know) 
-you have to nominate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers to answer your questions (bloglovin)
-you are NOT allowed to nominate the person who nominated you

So here are my answers to Aleksia's questions!

1. What's your favourite fashion account to follow?
I love Kavita's (shewearsfashion) blog. She has such a classy, elegant sense of style with an urban twist. 

2. Who is your style inspiration?
I have a few, but I like Alexa Chung, Vanessa Hudgens and Emma Watson in particular.

3. Favourite colour?

4. Most desired tote of Spring/Summer 2014?
I don't really have anything in particular, but I'd love a statement clutch.

5. What is your most favourite place you've been to?
Either Paris or Florida

6. What's the longest time you've been on an airplane?
About 9 hours I think

7. What do you do for a living?
I'm currently a student, but I do have a part time job in a newsagents haha!

8. What two things would you take to a deserted island with you?
A ton of water and the Game of Thrones books!

9. What's your favourite movie?
I have loads! One in particular is Scott Pilgrim vs The World

10. Grunge or prim and propper?

11. Where's your next destination trip this year?
I'm doing an exchange to America, so I'm going to New York (!!!) and Ohio :)

And these are my questions for my nominees!

1.What is your favourite trend this season?
2.What's the last book you read?
3. Autumn/Winter or Spring/Summer?
4.Current celebrity crush?
5.Favourite band?
6.Favourite genre of music?
7. If you could give a piece of advice to your past self, what would it be?
8.What was/is your favourite subject in school?
9.Who do you wish you could swap lives with for a day?
10. Favourite fictional character?
11.Aspirations for the future?

My nominations are...


Thank you again to Aleksia for nominating me!

Lilia xo

Some Photos

Hello lovelies!

It's been a little while since I posted, but the weather has been horrendous! Not the sort of weather for OOTD pictures! But fingers crossed, it will brighten up soon, which means more blog posts! Hooray!

I bought some new beauty products a couple of days ago, most of which are skin care, so I'm thinking of doing some reviews next week. That way, I can get a good feel of the products and see if they've made any difference before I actually review them.

I thought I'd make a quick post until then, just so my blog isn't completely dead! I am quite into photography, and I love taking pictures, but other than post some on Instagram, I never know what to do with the pictures I take. So I thought, considering this is also a lifestyle blog, I'll post some of my work on here! I'm going to try make more of an effort this year to take a camera with me wherever I go, as I never really have time any more to just go out with the purpose of taking pictures. Now I have a proper blog, where I can post about my life, I will hopefully be more encouraged to take some photos. Photography is something I really enjoy, and now I have lots of excuses to take loads of photos! I vary with what I use; some are taken with my phone, some with a digital camera and some with an SLR. Here are a couple of random ones that I've taken in the past couple of years, enjoy!

Worthing Pier

Woodland Walk

Worthing Beach

Stuck in Traffic

Snow fun

Worthing Pier

The Eiffel Tower

Paris from above

Monet's Garden

Monet's Garden

Please let me know what you think! That would mean a lot!

Also, how do like my new layout?! This beautiful design was made by Kotryna, who has the most lovely blog and other layouts on her Etsy shop! Check them out!

See you soon,
Lilia xo