Hello lovlies!
I know I've been awful at updating this blog for the past few months; college, work and everything inbetween all got on top of me a bit and I've not really been in the blogging mood. Summer holidays are well and truly under way for me as I finished college at the end of June, however in the past four weeks I definitely haven't been using my time off to the full and have either been working or sitting on the sofa, on Netflix, not moving for 8 hours. I have been taking advantage of the lovely weather England's been having lately, with a few trips to the beach, although my tan couldn't be worse! I naturally have very pale and sensitive skin, which the sun doesn't take kindly to, so even with factor 50 on, I turned into a lobster! Never mind, the patches that did get hideously burnt have now turned brown and I'm hoping the weather holds up so I can even it up.
Anyway, the other day I was at work, bored out of my mind (work was horrendously quiet- nice weather + living near the beach= zero customers at work), when I had a little brain wave. I decided to start a segment sort of thing on my blog; introducing....What Lilia's Loving! I'm going to try post these frequent little blog posts of things that I'm loving at the moment. These things could be anything; beauty, fashion, film, books, music etc. I'll give some opinions on it and voilĂ , there's what I'm loving!
So to start off this new series/segment, I'm going to be talking about MAC Face and Body Foundation. As someone with very dry skin, I can often find it difficult to find a foundation that doesn't end up looking cakey or even drying my skin further. I have been a huge fan of Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation for a while, but found that recently it had been making my skin look a little flakey, plus, I was in the mood for a change. I've recently been getting more into MAC products, however I sometimes find the prices a little off putting and for someone who's a struggling student, spending £15 on a lipstick can often break the bank a little. But as I've been doing extra hours at work, I decided to treat myself.

I've heard excellent thing about the face and body foundation and I was particularly drawn to the light coverage. I'm not someone who needs a heavy coverage; I don't really suffer too much from breakouts, but I do suffer from quite dull looking skin and also redness on my cheeks, so I wanted something light that will even out my skin tone but is also buildable if I do need that extra coverage on red patches.
I went to the MAC shop in Brighton as it was the closest one to where I live. Normally, I'm not the type to go ask an employee for help as I'm a little shy, but I thought that, with something like foundation, it's often hard to get the exact shade right so it was better to get a little advice. The employees at the Brighton store were extremely friendly and helpful, asking if I needed any assistance right away. The lady who helped me was very knowledgeable and shade matched me to my perfect colour, N1.
The foundation comes in 2 sized bottles and I went for the smaller one, just in case I decided it wasn't really for me. The smaller bottle cost £21.50, which I was a little reluctant to pay at first, but I bit the bullet and went for it. I can honestly say that it was definitely worth it though.
The foundation is super light and applies so well, (I use a Real Techniques buffing brush to apply it), it's really easy to blend into the skin and leaves a really natural, dewy finish. I currently only apply one coat for my everyday make up and it's just enough to even out my skin in the morning and give me a fresh faced, glowing look. Because it is so light, I don't need to use that much, meaning that this foundation is going to last me a long time, making that £21.50 seem much more reasonable.
Overall I am in love with this product and would highly recommend it, especially to those with dry skin like myself.
Hope you enjoyed this little review and tell me if you'd like to see more things like this!
See you soon
Lilia xox